Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Big Announcement......

A Big Announcement:

Today is a new chapter in the Allred family of four…. We are expecting!!!!!!!

But wait for it…. God willing, we are expecting a little girl and she will not come from my belly, but instead she will come from across the ocean from a foreign land from a mother and father who we will most likely never meet this side of heaven.  

We are starting the adoption process with America World Adoption Association. Most likely, this process from start to finish will  take around 3 years, give or take.

It will be a character building process, however, we know that this is the Lord’s calling on our family and are excited and somewhat apprehensive as we move forward. J 

I saw this quote the other day at my sister-in-love’s house and I feel that it sums up our view on adoption perfectly:
Because of His great Love for us before the world began, we are chosen by God to be adopted as His children…
We love because He first loved us…
A pure act of faith is to care for His children just as He cared for us.
Adoption is partnering with Jesus to see lives transformed…
Adoption is a Miracle!

If you don’t mind, over the next few months and years to come, we would ask that you would:

1.   Pray for us: pray specifically for our little girl, her birth family and the circumstances that will surround her coming into our life. Also, please pray for our family as we move forward in this process and as we continue to parent our marriage & boys and show them the love of Christ.

2.  Consider Giving: The international adoption of our daughter will most likely cost between $28,000-$40,000 dollars. This is not an amount that we currently have and we are trusting in the Lord for His provision and guidance. We have seen his faithfulness in the past financially through our adoption of our first son and we know that He will be faithful again! That is the kind of GOD we serve!

In the next few months and weeks, we will be doing some different fund raising such as garage sales, bake sales, arts and crafts sales as well as some photography too. If you are interested in making a donation to our adoption please contact Ben or I. Also, stop by our Facebook pages and this blog for updates on how to give & pray.

3.  Consider adoption for your family: We know that adoption is not for everyone, but as believers in Christ, we have all been “adopted”  (Ephesians 1:5) into His forever family and are called to take care of the widows and orphans (James 1:27).
  Prayerfully consider what role adoption should play in your family.

Thank you for sharing with us as we begin ourjourney! The Lord is good and faithful and we are so excited to start this adoption and make our family of Four into Five!
God is good!