Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Year and A Day In: God is good ALL the time!

Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurts at times while waiting to obtain it? Have you ever stopped to ask God if He really thinks you are strong enough to handle all of the “character building”  and “stretching” you feel is going on in your life at a certain time, just to quickly hear Him say “you can take it" because He is holding it ALL right  there with you?
  It can be a very challenging, sometimes hard, dark season of life, when you are in the thick of things but you know what….. He is Faithful!

2 Peter1:3(NIV)
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

Today marks a year and a day since we started our adoption process for our baby girl; Zoey.

When we took that picture last August of 2013, after church we were in a very different place than we are this August of 2014. 
We had a “plan” as to how we would finance a $40,000 dollar adoption and we had an “idea” as to a time frame that we could be working within, in which we would be holding our baby girl.

Needless to say, things are not  going  the way we “imagined” they would go, but you know what else…. He is still Faithful!

Isaiah 43:1 (MSG)
But now God’s Message, the God who  made you in the 1st place, Jacob, the One who got you started Israel: “Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your Name. You’re mine. When you’re in over your head, Ill be there with you. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it wont be a dead end- Because I am God, your personal God. The Holy of Israel, the Savior.

We have had many friends and family ask us where we are at in our adoption process and to tell you the truth, I have been hesitant to update the blog because it has been a hard season, but even as we are in the season still, I see His hand and rest in His faithfulness that He is writing this story and not us. And in the end, no mater how it ends, it is His story and we want Him to have all the Glory.

Last August we started our international adoption process with AWAA (hyperlink) & Ethiopia in hopes of it being a 18month to 2 year  process in which the ending would be us holding a precious baby girl.  We moved quite quickly through the paper chase and were able to get finger prints and our home study completed in about 6 – 8 weeks instead of the usual 3-6months. Our agency and social worker are amazing!
It was goosebumpy good to see how fast things were falling into place. 

Also, for the first part of the adoption an initial $5,000 was needed to start and Ben and I were able to  finance that quite quickly.  All in all, August and September were easy months and exciting months as we officially got started.

October came and the “easy” disappeared J

We found out mid October that I was no longer going to hold the position of Family Nurse Practitioner at the primary care clinic that I had grown to love.

Due to budget cuts and other events, my position was being eliminated. We were disappointed, to say the least. When we received the news, we quickly started praying and giving it to God, not knowing what His plan was but knowing He holds it all. My position allowed Ben and I to “finance” the adoption with little to no stress to our budget. We saw it as God’s provision.

I worked two days a week and was able to be home with the boys the rest of the time. It was easy. I loved the ladies and gentleman that I got to work with. The doctors are some of the best men that I have ever met and they love their patients and the ladies at the office that kept the place moving and a grooving were like none other. They were not only co-workers, but  also friends. When I had to be away from my babies, I was doing something that I loved, serving and loving on others.  

My heart was sad and both Ben and I were unclear as to whether AWAA and our social worker would allow us to continue our adoption of Zoey, due to all of the major life changes. We gave it to God and made a few calls and were informed that we could proceed with the adoption.

Once again, God was holding it All.

1 Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

Two days after the news of my job termination, we held our first fund raiser. We had about 10 families donate their “unused treasures” from their homes for us to sell. We had everything from coffee makers to changing tables, to wedding flowers and office chairs. It was amazing! We sold baked goods and headbands and had friends who gave of their time and energy to help us out.

The Lord blew us away…. Not sure about you, but in the past, garage sales have not been the most profitable of fund raising events, this one begged to differ: We were blessed with $3500  from our two day sale and were able to get a large portion of the 1st half: $20,000 paid off. God is good!

Numerous other gifts from friends and family came in as well as Ben started doing more work with The Center for Christian Counseling and Care, and I got to dibble dabble with my love of photography and watch as it grew too. It was a very bitter sweet fall and winter.

November and December came and it was time to finally send off our dossier (the book of the paperwork that we had gathered from different government and state organizations that stated that we were approved to have a sweet baby girl in our home and told EVERYTHING about us as a family)
 All together the papers totaled to be over 50 + pages. As we went to the post office to deliver our prized possession, you would have thought we were mailing a large sum of cash or prized jewels (I guess in a sense we were) ;)

Right after the New year, we found out that our Dossier had made it to Virginia, which was the first stop before going to Ethiopia. We were elated to find this out! However, our elation was soon overshadowed.

We were driving home from a holiday celebration in the panhandle when I began to get tricklining in emails that something was not right in Ethiopia and that more character building was on the way……

Now this is a segway for a whole other post, but adoption is hard and complicated and there are many people and lives that are intertwined within just one adoption process. Thus, we are aware that at times some very unethical events and circumstances can overshadow an adoption.
Because of this knowledge, we were very careful in our selection process of our agency. AWAA has quite a clean record thus far of being ethical and supporting adoptions both within the countries they are working and outside. Needless to say, some of the few unethical adoptions that have occurred were starting to overshadow the many good and the PR from those few had hit main stream media in Ethiopia and the repercussions were hard and fast.

Shortly into January Ethiopia stopped writing referalls for children to be adopted out of the country. They said that they were reevaluating their system and would decide what needed to be done.

For us, we were again…. Stopped in our tracks….. Our paperwork had been all approved on the USA side and was just waiting to be sent to Africa…..  We were saddened and heartbroken for the orphan children who were longing for forever families but may not find them because of this new ruling.

And of course we were saddened for our own little family as we were unclear on how to  proceed. I remember countless nights of tears and prayers as we gave it God and knew that if our hearts were aching for these little ones, how much more was His for all of the little ones? 

John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Soon into the month of February after our paperwork had sat in Virginia for close to 6 weeks, we got the news that Ethiopia was beginning to set up a new infrastructure in which they would still allow international adoptions but would be taking more time to oversee the system much closer. When I say more time, I mean 3-4 years per adoption instead of the 18 months to 2 years…… 
We talked to many friends and family and prayed about it and sought the Lord and felt his peace that we should proceed.

Valentines Day 2014 was the day! Our official Dossier to Ethiopia (DTE). Our paper pregnancy had officially begun for our child! So many emotions filled that day…… but we were and are hopeful.

Since Febuarary, we continue to work hand in hand with our agency as the day seems so far in the future as to when we will hold our baby girl. We are only two months away from having the 1st $20,000 paid for and then we will start the 2nd $20,000.
Even in that large sum of money, we see the Lord, He has been oh so faithful. Each month He has provided exactly what we need through gifts, and Ben’s job and photo sessions and headband sales and other garage sales…. The Lord is good and we feel His hand on our lives.

Ben and I both joke that we “thought” the Lord was holding the pen and writing this adoption story of our Zoey, but we see even more each day that not only is He holding the pen, but He also has the paper, the printer, the beginning and the ending and we are so glad that HE does.

Our hearts have been on a roller coaster for sure but He has taught us so much and even though we don’t understand it all, we Trust Him.

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does NOT CHANGE like shifting shadows.

We continue to wait and trust and hope and even though…. Multiple things have changed since last August: jobs, addresses, time frames, finances, plans,

We know who holds All of this and though the last year our faith has grown, and our hope has grown. There is a peace that Ben and I cannot shake. It comes from within, from a God who Loves us, who has called us and who promises to never let us go. He is our hope that anchors our soul.

Our plan is to be better at updating our blog and I am going to start posting more of my photo sessions here, as well as links to different fund raisers and other blogs about adoption too. We cannot express to each of you reading this how grateful we are to do Life with you. God is such an amazing Creator to allow us to Love one another. Thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.

This story of our Zoey has many more chapters to come.

God is good ALL the time.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are heading across the Ocean...... (or at least our dossier is)

 We are heading across the Ocean (or at least our dossier is) 
The last few weeks have continued to hold some uncertainty for our little family as we have been faced with the challenging news out of Ethiopia that they may not continue to be open to international adoption.

Ben and I, along with our family and many of you have been praying and asking for the orphans in Ethiopia, as well as orphans all over the world and also for the Ethiopian government,  as they make a very challenging decision.

Through it all, since we sent our dossier to Virginia on December 24th, the Lord has reminded me of many BIG truths:

* He is in Control; even over governments and ruling bodies of authority who hold such power:

Romans 13:1
There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

*He LOVES those in need and those who are orphans and fatherless more than my little mind can ever fathom or understand:

Psalm 68:5
Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation

*He is a God who Sees and Hears and is In all things and Above all things and Through all things.

1 Colossians 1:16-17
For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

So we have been holding fast to these Truths and have felt His peace over our lives at a time that could have been rather Unpeaceful J

He is a God who loves. One of my favorite things about the Lord, is when I take the time to really listen to Him, the first words that I hear are most often “Erin, I love you.” 
It is to this God, who gave His son Jesus to die for me when he had done nothing wrong and deserved none of it (another way that He clearly says “ I love you”) who Ben and I  rest our Hope and our Life on. 

He is Faithful. He doesn’t always give us what we want, but as a loving Father, He gives us what we need.  Today held one of those times, He is giving us what we need and want J  ( Insert Happy Dance here)
We received word from our agency in Virginia today at 1:30p.m that at this time Ethiopia does NOT plan on shutting down the country to international adoption. Instead, they plan on working towards the elimination of bad practice that happens in some adoption, while pressing forward with current adoptions.

With this news in hand, and after talking to our agency representative, we are sending our dossier across the ocean J  (Insert  2nd Happy Dance here )

First, it will go through another check by our agency, since it has been in their hands since December, they want to make sure all of the I ‘s are dotted and T’s are crossed. They will then send it to the Department of State and then to the Ethiopian embassy here in the USA, who will then certify it and authenticate it before going to Ethiopia.

If all goes as planned, our official DTE (DOSSIER TO ETHIOPIA) will be February 14th, 2014.  The official day of LOVE. J  It made my heart again stop and praise Him who holds it ALL.

We are certain that the future will hold many more character building moments as we wait for Zoey to come home but we know that God is good and that He is holding us in His hands and I am learning that though that is not always the easiest place to be, we are most FULLLY ALIVE when we Live in Him. I don’t want to be anywhere else.

Please continue to pray with us:

1.   For the orphans in Ethiopia who are waiting and hoping for forever families and for orphans all over the world

2.   For the government of Ethiopia as they move forward in implementing changes as they see fit

3.  For our family and  all the families waiting . Patience is oh.so.hard at times. At this time they are telling us to still expect 30-36 months from our DTE till we are holding her in our arms. That is not an easy sentence for this momma to swallow, but again,  we are praying for God’s timing. He is God and I rest there.

We can’t wait for Zoey to join our family full of people who will love her like crazy! 

Grandma Jeanne and her boys 

Short Family Christmas
Only missing David 
Aunt Emily and the boys with Grammie

Grammie and Grandpa Allred with their boys

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Waiting.... and all that has happened in between....

Today is a big day for the Allred family. We are waiting for a possible decision from a government that may change the course of our future. But you know what? My God already knows what today will hold and I am so so grateful that He is holding us and our future daughter and this whole story. 


Let me recap on the last few months and all of His goodness and provision as we walked through some tough stuff J

Back in August, the 31st to be exact, we sent our application to America World adoption association. We were asking to be accepted into their Ethiopian adoption with the hope of bringing a little girl into this outnumbered family of 3 to 1 (boys to girls) .

As many of you know, my sister has adopted three sweet girls from Ethiopia and I had the opportunity to travel with her to bring her second daughter, Tad, home and love the country and the people, especially these three girls who have brought so much joy to our family. We felt as if Ethiopia would be a great fit for our family, because as our daughter grew and had questions, she would have three cousins to ask those hard questions to and with and also have them to walk through life with as well as travel back to their home country one day too.

Margo and her girls

** Ethiopia is an African country located on the East coast of Africa, in the horn of Africa. It is rich in history and dates back thousands of years, with a rich Christian heritage and a country full of architectural wonder.
There are 4.6 million orphans in the country of Ethiopia. To give that number a more conceptual understanding, that is the same amount as the population of the  city of Boston, Massachusetts, which is the 10th largest city in the United states. Imagine that: instead of the entire city of Boston being full of citizens of the USA, it is full of orphan children who need a forever family? Crazy…. And Huge…..
**Another side note, the orphan population in the entire world is at a staggering 210 million. To put that into something more tangible, the population of the entire USA is 313.6 million. That is a lot of children without a family.

We were approved and began the process of a home study and the paperwork “pregnancy”.  We met our home study coordinator, Amber Lewis, whom we adore, in Stillwater at the beginning of September and she quickly laid down the next few steps for us as we began our international adoption. She informed us that from the time we met her to the time we got our dossier sent to Ethiopia would be around 6 months. 
** The dossier is the collection of documents that tells all about Ben and my life as well as all we have to offer to a child. This is the document that the Ethiopian government, along with our agency, reviews and decides which child should be placed in our home.

 Well, 6 months was a bit long for Ben and I, who are neither full of patience, so we pressed ahead and prayed that the Lord would move us through the paperwork process as quickly as possible. Along with the paperwork also came the financial need, which for the first half of our adoption is around $17,000, with another $20,000 for the 2nd half.
 Again, we prayed about this large number and stood back and watched the Lord work.  He is good and faithful!
We had a garage sale at some close friends home; Chris and Dorraine Hudson (more like an estate sale), where  20 plus families made donations to us of their “stuff”  to our sale. We had everything from fridges to couches, to baby décor to even wrapping paper and printers. It was amazing! Also, we sold headbands and food  too. We had the help of some precious people who came early and helped us get the sale going! We are so grateful!
Garage Sale at the Sweet Hudson's home

All together, we made over $3,000 dollars at our sale: $3,000!!!! God is good!

From there, we moved forward saving and receiving some finical gifts that we were so humbled and blessed by. Also, I continue doing photography and headbands as a way of earning extra money for the adoption too.  The Lord never ceases to amaze us in the way he provides!

Picture of the Crawley Crew 


We were able to move through the paperwork process much quicker than expected, thanks to friends who wrote great reference letters and  Ben working countless hours on getting EVERYTHING in order.  So instead of 6 months, we were able to send our dossier to Virginia;  its 1st stop on the way to Ethiopia on Christmas Eve. He is good! The post office employer who took our dossier from us must have thought we were sending off GOLD with the way Ben and I hovered over it and checked and rechecked it.

The month of December held some very hard moments too, as I left my nurse practitioner position at the family practice that I have enjoyed for the previous 18 months, but we continue to trust the One who will supply our every need.
We got through Christmas with the expectation of hearing from our agency that all was well and our dossier would begin the trek across the ocean to Ethiopia, however that was not the case. L As we drove home from my parents in the panhandle on December 29th, we began getting word that Ethiopia, who has always been quite friendly to international adoption, was reconsidering their stance. There has been some yuckiness that has taken place with some precious kids who have come to the USA and other countries, as well as the ever pressing need for reform in the adoption of children. Any time that children and money are involved, corruption follows, thus the Ethiopian government is concerned, and rightfully so. Our hope is that they don’t completely close the country to all international adoption because the orphans would be the ones to suffer.

So where are we now?
1.   We are waiting for the Ethiopian government to announce what this “Reform” will look like and if the country will indeed stay open or close.
2.   As such, we are praying: praying for God’s will and for Him to continue to Hold the orphans, one of which may be our little girl.

Would you join us in praying for this country and ultimately the children who need forever families where they can experience Love and begin to understand the true Hope.
Last week, Ben and I, along with some precious friends joined our agency in a fast, as we asked the Lord to hear our prayers and to move in the hearts of the government officials.  We are claiming this verse and know through scripture that God’s heart is for the orphan and so we wait.

Please pray for us! Waiting is not easy. We have been through the adoption process before and we know that it is a rollercoaster and we know He holds our story. Our prayer through it all is that Christ will be seen and that His name will be glorified. Our hearts are heavy but we Hope in Him and will continue to wait for our Zoey.

**While writing this blog, we heard from our agency that Ethiopia has not decided on any action or direction at this time to take in regards to International adoption. Our agency said that they will continue to keep us updated as any news comes. They informed us that in the past 10 days, while we have been waiting for news, that adoptions are continuing to be approved. We remain Hopeful!